B.A., Lawrence University, magna cum laude, 2004
Ph.D., University of Wisconsin-Madison, Cellular and Molecular Biology, 2010
Courses Taught
BIOL110: Human Biology
BIOL208: Microbiology
BIOL289: Genetics and Evolution
BIOL345: Molecular Biology
BIOL347: Food Microbiology
Amy Briggs
Associate Professor and Department Chair of Biology, Chair of Natural Sciences, and Faculty Director of Advising
Pronouns: she/her/hers Email: Phone: 608-363-2349 Schedule an Appointment Office: Room 335, Sanger Center for the SciencesI am a molecular biologist specializing in plant pathology and food microbiology.
I use biochemistry, microscopy, bioinformatics, molecular biology, and genetics techniques to study the molecular mechanisms used by plants to combat infectious diseases and used by microbes to cope with the environmental stresses of cheese production.
Outside of the classroom and laboratory, I’m an avid science fiction reader, gardener, and crafter.